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How to Build the Case Responses

Find a minimum of three news articles discussing this issue.
The articles should be news articles, written by journalists for publication in newspapers or on news, websites (cannot be blogs or commercial sites). They may also be transcripts of news stories that were broadcast on television or radio. The article can be different versions of the same issue published in different countries.  Many articles from other countries are supplied to library databases from the BBC Monitoring Service, which does no reporting of its own but collects articles from around the world and translates them into English (if they are originally in another language.) For these articles, there will be an indication of which newspaper, website, radio station, etc., was the original source of the article, and in which country it is located. This would be the country of origin.
Your responses should be well-rounded and analytical, and should not just provide a conclusion or an opinion without explaining the reason for the choice.
For full credit, you need to use the material from the week’s lectures, text and/or discussions when responding to the questions. It is important that you incorporate the question into your response (i.e., summarize the case in your introduction) and explain the principle(s) or concept(s) from the text that underlies your judgment.
For each Case (or critically thinking and discussion question) you should provide at least two references in addition to the textbook in APA format (in-text citations and references as described in detail in the syllabus). Each answer should be double-spaced in 12 pt. Use the following Headings and length in your paper:
Prepare a case study report that has three main parts:
1.  Summary and Overview of the issue
2.  Compare and contrast the perspective on the issue. How are the articles similar or different on how they expose the issues? What are the explicit and implicit issues?
3.  Taking from the emergent literature (only journal articles or textbook), what are some of the implications and recommendations for conducting international business.
4.  Write at least two questions that can be exposed (still without an answer) from analyzing this issue. These inquiries can be questions/issues that you were not able to answer or understand. Clarify where or how do you believe you can obtain this information. Mention specific sources (do not simply say, “Searching on the Internet”).

Management homework help