Academic Essay Helper

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Your counseling department is seeking grant funding in order to start a counseling center. The center will be a service to the public, and will use master’s level and doctoral level counseling students as clinicians.
Write a sample abbreviated grant proposal. Include the following:
• Summary of the proposed counseling center (location, participants, etc).• Identified need in the community. (create a specific need – data can be fabricated).• Estimated budget and sources of funding.• Plan for program evaluation.
This week we will be studying and exploring concepts of self-care, balance, wellness, and continuing education.
• For the discussion this week, write 3-4 paragraphs of well-considered thought with regard to the idea of balance and wellness. Does it seem reasonable for you to find and maintain a “balance,” and if so, what would it look like? What elements will you incorporate into your own wellness plan, to keep yourself healthy and engaged in life, and to prevent burnout, depression, and becoming overwhelmed by demands of job and career? Incorporate ideas and models from your own readings and from videos and other resources as you discuss your own self-care plans and wellness goals.• In your responses to others, offer your informed critique of your peer’s ideas and plans, and provide additional resources or ideas if you feel they might be welcomed.
The assignment this week is to write a brief (2-3 page) professional development plan that addresses your professional goals in the five areas for Counselor Education (counseling-related; teaching; supervision; research; advocacy and social justice), as well as your goals for your personal life.
What kind of “balance” do you see, for yourself, among these five professional areas? Talk specifically about how each will (or perhaps, will not) fit into your professional goal plan.
In addition, include a discussion of “life outside the classroom” (or the counseling room) that addresses work/life balance, self-care, avoidance of burnout and of compassion fatigue, and related topics. How do you plan to keep yourself healthy, happy, and creative, as you move through your career years and through different activities in both your professional and your personal life? What will keep you fresh and engaged? How will you avoid becoming derailed, depressed, overwhelmed, anxious?
Please be specific; rather than saying that you will find creative activities, list and explain some creative activities. Be as concrete and realistic as possible; this is YOUR plan and must work for you.
The paper is due by Sunday at the end of week 10. Please use standard APA format and style; no Abstract or references are required, but if you do cite a resource, be sure to also include References for it.