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1) L. L       Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

Hello everyone,

Working in groups can have effective outcomes such as figuring different perspectives in a situation, which allows a broader concept of understanding an elements. According to Engleberg & Wynn (2017), group decision making generates more ideas and information, tests and validates more arguments, and produces better solutions to complex problems. These are the advantages of group decision making. On the other hand, when members of groups come into issues such as different perspectives on voting it can lead to disruption of the goal. Voting is the easiest way to make a group decision, there none more efficient and decisive. However, voting may not be the best way to make important decisions because, when a group votes, some members win, but others lose (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). The losing party then has issues because of the loss. A consensus can unite and energize a group and avoid a disruptive win/lose vote. However, consensus does not work well for all groups. It would be to achieve genuine consensus if leader had so much power that group members were unwilling to disagree or express their honest opinion (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). with members not being honest, they will not obtain the right outcome. Authority rule can have detrimental effects on a group. If a leader or an outside authority ignores or reverses group recommendations, members may become demoralized, resentful, or nonproductive on future projects. Groups using this method gather information and recommend decisions to another person or to a larger group (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017).


Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.

2) C.D    Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

Any type of decision making will have their advantages and disadvantages. Three ways for a group to become of a decision is voting, consensus and authority rule. Voting is a more efficient way to make a decision. During a vote it is a majority or at least two-thirds of the votes that lean towards one side will win. Voting comes off as fair, but in the end, there are a group of people who must deal with decision that they disagree with. For small group it is an advantage to make decisions through voting because it is a great fast efficient way for people to come to conclusion. This works when people are less passionate about something because if they lose it is easily smoothed over. With that being said, a vote within 2 groups millions of people in each party to implement the decision if only 51 percent of the members agree on it. The 49 percent who lose may resent working on a project they dislike (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). This is how voting for our president is somewhat handled where millions of people could disagree with a huge decision. A consensus decision is one “that all members have a part in shaping and that all find at least minimally acceptable as a means of accomplishing some mutual goal. The advantage of this is that it bring people together. Everyone gets a say and work together for a common goal. Now although this is a more harmonious way the disadvantage is that there are some people who do not agree. It can also be really difficult to get a large amount of people to be on the same page when we have been born into a great divide. Authority rule is just as it sounds, a single person is put in power over a decision. Although it may not be as intense as King and Queen status, it is still a way that does not give everyone an equal chance. It is a way to speed up the process and sometimes people are dependent on authority roles making choices for them. So, each decision making has its own positives and negatives and there are opportunities for groups to use each one

Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.

3) A.K      Topic 5 DQ 1


Voting is an easy way to get an efficient and decisive count of what the group feels should be the solution. It is most efficient when the group voting is too large and using another method is not available. It can also make sure there is a clear winner, and helpful if the solution needs to be decided in a reasonable amount of time. The downside of voting is that although some may get their solution implemented, others in the group will not. A great example of this not being the best way to decide is our most recent Presidential election. It is easy to see that the country is split down the middle and almost half of our citizens are upset with the outcome.

Consensus has many advantages such as coming to a solution that unites those in the group. This type of decision making allows the group to come to a solution that is based of logic instead of emotion, has everyone involved, and has everyone open to differences of opinion by listening and being respectful of other’s ideas. The downside of consensus is if the members in the group do not have safe space to express their solutions and views honestly without repercussion. In that case, false consensus can occur. False consensus happens when those who are not of equal status feel pressure among the group to let their voices go unheard and just agree. This can create a less than optimal solution to a problem.

Authority rule can be less pressure for those in the group. They gather the information to support their views and then present them to one person who oversees deciphering the information and ultimately making the final decision for everyone. The issue with this decision-making process is that there can bias on the leaders’ side. They can already have a decision made in their head and then pretend to take in what others suggest. This can create bad moral within the group because others might feel unheard or resentful.

Thank you,

Engleberg, I., & Wynn, D. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

4) J.G      Re: Topic 5 DQ 1


There are three decisions making options that groups can utilize to aid in the deliberation of decision making such as voting, consensus, and authority rule decision making. Voting is the simplest decision-making option to implement that can be used in several scenarios, but the voting options may not accurately reflect the thoughts. The voting option is a simplistic method that thrives in situations that has short time restraints, large groups, and is a decent fallback option to address situations that cannot be resolved (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). There are blatant issues with the voting option like the fact the voting option creates a win/lose scenario for a group but also the final conclusion of the group may not reflect a major portion of the group (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). Voting may the easiest method to utilize in decision making but it is far from an ideal solution. The consensus option may require the most effort by the group but it is reflective in the final decision of the group. Consensus voting is great because it encourages collaboration of different perspectives which can result in creativity but is also more reflective of the group than the other methods (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). There is a major problem with the consensus the problem arises when groups focus too much on the consensus instead of voicing their disagreements they sacrifice their unique perspectives and decreasing the group’s creativity (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). The final option of authority is the transfer of power from the group to a leader which can have mixed results. Using the authority option can be beneficial because it creates a chain of information that is a funnel to the leader providing useful information to help the leader make a final decision (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). The problem with the authority option is that all the power is in the leader’s hand and the group can only provide advice leaving the decision solely up to the leader (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). Overall, each option has its benefits and weaknesses that the group can choose from for their unique situations to maximize the success of the group.


Engleberg, I. N., & Wynn, D. R. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson. Retrieve from


1) L.L  Re: Topic 5 DQ 2

Hello everyone,

Consensus works best when members have equal status, or where there is a supportive climate in which everyone feels comfortable expressing their views (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). When members of a group either hold in their truth, or becomes manipulated by others in the groups choice, it is no longer an accurate consensus. It is more of a forced opinion that those who decided to speak their truth. This is why it is important to speak up during a cosensus, to make sure that the opinions of those involved does not result in groupthink.  Groupthink occurs when efforts to discourage conflict and maintain cohesion go overboard, leading a group to make flawed decisions (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). Strategies that groups may use to avoid “groupthink”, ensuring that members think critically, ask questions, offer reasons for their positions, and seek critical input from others (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017).

Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.

2)C.D  : Topic 5 DQ 2

Coming up with a group consensus can be stressful, frustrating and tiresome. People can begin to feel the pressure of the decision and a false consensus can occur. This is when a person feels pressured by the group to make a choice, they soon later regret. Many times, false consensus comes to play when people are trying to avoid disagreement and conflict. They confuse these with arguing and yelling when this is not the case. Conflict or disagreement is a necessary for a group when creating a decision. Without these, people hold in their true thoughts and opinions and get the short end of the stick. Without disagreement, teams rarely generate the best, most creative solutions to the challenges at hand. They compromise (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). There is positive and negative pressure, and conflicts adds the positive pressure a group needs to come to an agreement.

Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.

3) J.G      Re: Topic 5 DQ 2


Groupthink is a serious issue that can decrease a group’s creativity and can lead a group to pick a faulty or substandard choice when making decisions. Argumentation is a useful tool that when used properly can prevent groupthink. When groups utilize argumentation properly is can help groups with their critical thinking but it also creates environments where groups assess and analyze opposing perspectives (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). Argumentation can a good deterrence for group think but argumentation is not the only useful option to halt groupthink. Refutation is another useful tool that can stop groupthink from occurring. During the refutation process, a person is given the opportunity to listen for the purpose of understanding information about a different perspective, and once understood a person can refute based on the evidence (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). Refutation is a great time for opposing sides to gain a better understanding by articulating their disagreements which fosters an environment focused on improvement but also expressing one’s thoughts. Overall, both argumentation and refutation encourage understanding but also independence which can prevent groupthink from getting a foothold in a group.


Engleberg, I. N., & Wynn, D. R. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson. Retrieve from

4)   A. K   Re: Topic 5 DQ 2


In the discussion question, the first part seems to be referring to a false consensus. This is created when there is an unequal power balance in the group, solutions are based off emotion only, and there is pressure to just agree. This limits the possibility of coming to a solution that takes all perspectives and outcomes in. Some strategies that groups may use to avoid groupthink is to create a safe space for everyone in the group to come forward with their opposing ideas. It can help if they are not just talking about opinions or about winning an argument. Rather, they ask questions, explain the reasoning behind their idea or solution, and are open to expanding on the idea with other’s feedback. When the group is able to openly and honestly discuss a person’s idea, it allows the group to see if there is a downside of going with it or if they can add on to the idea to make it the most efficient solution.

Thank you,

Engleberg, I., & Wynn, D. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.