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For this final reflection, please respond to the questions below..
Your paper should be 3 double-spaced pages or more, using 12-point Times New Roman font. No cover page or reference page is needed.

  1. What were your communication challenges at the beginning of the course?

The ideal of recording our speeches. Had to record so many times to get it right. Posting out videos for class to review.

  1. Please review the personal and professional goals you identified in the Week 1 discussion. How well did you meet them? Based on the course, have you created any new goals for yourself?

The two personal communication goals I would like to work on during the duration of this course are managing my emotional communication and improving my listening skills. With emotional communication most us think when know what is going on but at the same time we tend to miss the opportunity where we can effectively communicate. Improving listening skill seems easy but it is similar to emotional communication, sometimes we already think we know what is going on and in actual fact we don’t.
The two professional communication goals I would like to work on for the next eight weeks are knowledge development and non- verbal communication.

  1. How have you progressed in your interpersonal communication abilities? What do you want to keep working on?
  2. How has your understanding of nonverbal communication improved? How aware are you of the messages you send? How are you better able to decode other people’s nonverbal messages?
  3. In thinking about your speeches, were your messages easy to follow? How could the organization have been improved? The messages were clear and easy to understand. By gathering all the information or details and make an outline.
  4. Did you like having the opportunity to re-do the Elevator Pitch? Explain why/why not.

Yes Liked to redo the elevator pitch. It gave me an opportunity to correct the mistakes I made for my first elevator pitch I did,

  1. How successful were your introductions, bodies, and conclusions? Again, be specific with examples.
  2. Did your language, voice, and body language enhance or harm your communications effort?  Be as precise as you can, and comment on both verbal and nonverbal aspects of your delivery.
  3. In your estimation, what were the most effective aspects of your messages?
  4. What are you the most proud of accomplishing through this course?
  5. What advice would you offer to future students of Foundations of Oral Communication?
  6. Are there any content areas that you would like covered in more detail? Are there areas that you think don’t need to be included in the course?