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Assignment Directions
Submit a description of how the digestive system digests the following food:
Hamburger(including the bun)
Break the food down into carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and follow the food
through the digestive tract. Include the phases of digestion (cephalic, gastric,
intestinal) along with the enzymes secreted at various portions of the alimentary
Your assignment must include the following:
1. Breakdown of the food into carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
2. Description of mechanical processes of digestion.
3. Description of chemical processes of digestion including enzymes and their
locations needed to break down the food.
4. Description of the 3 phases of digestion and how they function when digesting
the food.
1. Description of breakdown of food.
Assignment includes a description of how the food can be broken down into
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
2. Description of Mechanical Digestion
Assignment includes a description of the processes of mechanical digestion and
where they occur in the alimentary canal.
3. Chemical Processes of Digestion
Assignment includes a description of enzymes secreted to break down each
chemical component of the food. The location and function of each enzyme should
be included.
4. Description of Phases of Digestion
Assignment includes descriptions of each phase of digestion (cephalic, gastric,
1. Write in your own words, NO plagiarism !! turnitin enable
2. citations APA format
3. Deliver on time !
4. Answer all questions
5. 400 words ( not included citation)
6. Please answer all the questions in order to get the full credit