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Journal 19

Respond, with 200-600 words, to the following prompt: Reflect on the feedback you’ve received, from your classmates in peer review and/or your instructor in conference, for your activity analysis drafts.

– What kinds of feedback did you receive?

– Which comments or suggestions do you think you might adopt as you complete and/or revise your essay? Why?

– Which comments or suggestions do you think you won’t adopt? Why not?

– Did you observe anything in your peers’ writing that gave you ideas for your own activity analysis? If so, what? How might you adopt that strategy, idea, structure, etc.?

Include the total word count of your response with your entry. Include only your response, and not the prompt itself, in your word count.

Journal 20

Respond, with 400-800 words, to the following prompt: Reflect on your final project in our course (your activity analysis) and its associated threshold concept: “Writing helps people make meaning and get things done, but there are always constraints.” It may help to consider some of the following, or similar, questions:

– How do you feel about the work you’ve done for this project?

– What did you learn about activity systems and genres throughout this unit, especially as a result of completing this project?

– How has your work on this project or in this unit influenced your perceptions or understanding of the threshold concept that states that writing is performative, that it mediates human activity?

– How might you apply this threshold concept, or anything else you’ve discovered in this unit, to future writing projects?

– If applicable, what parts or aspects of your paper are you still not completely satisfied with? What might you have done differently in your project to prevent this dissatisfaction?

– Now that this unit (and our course) is nearing its end, reflect on your understanding, throughout the term so far, of the term “activity system” and its related concepts. Provide your revised definition/understanding of the term “activity system” and its elements. How does writing “get stuff done” in activity systems?

Include the total word count of your response with your entry. Include only your response, and not the prompt itself, in your word count. (Note: This entry has a minimum word count of 400 words, which is double the amount most other entries require.)

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