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Due Week 2: BA Plan Section 1: Company Background and Strategy

In this portion of the course project, you will select an organization for your project, determine its strategic position on each of three dimensions, illustrate this on a strategic position diagram, and define SMART objectives and related information sources for each dimension.
Complete and submit Section 1 of the BA Plan Template, including the following:

  • The name of the organization you have selected for your business analytics plan
  • A screen shot of the company’s LexisNexis dossier from the Nexis Uni database showing the company’s summary information, industry classification, and business description.
  • A strategic positioning diagram for the selected organization, similar to Exhibit 2.6 in the textbook, showing what you believe should be the organization’s positioning on each of the three dimensions of Product Innovation, Customer Intimacy, and Operational Excellence.
  • For each of the three dimensions (Product Innovation, Customer Intimacy, and Operational Excellence):
    • A paragraph (100-200 words) explaining why you chose the strategic positioning you did for this dimension.
    • A SMART objective you believe the organization should pursue to help it achieve or maintain the positioning you selected on this dimension.

Submit your BA Plan document including Section 1 to the Week 2: Course Project assignment.

Grading Criteria for Week 2

CategoryPointsPercentDescriptionCompany Name
8 10%The name of the organization used for the plan is clearly stated, and is a publicly traded company with financial information available.Dossier 8 10%Summary information, industry classification, and business description from the LexisNexis dossier are included.Strategic Positioning Diagram
16 20%Diagram is clearly drawn and indicates a recommended position for the company on each of the three strategic dimensions (Product Innovation, Customer Intimacy, Operational Excellence) relative to the market standard.Explanations 16 20%A reasonable, cogent explanation is provided as to why each strategic position was chosen, reflecting an understanding of the organization and its market.Objectives
Objective for each strategic dimension is clearly stated and meets the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, and Time-bound).Writing, Editing, and Formatting
The section is written clearly and professionally; is substantially free of errors in spelling and grammar; and is formatted consistently and professionally.

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