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Instruction:Use the below information develope a PowerPoint Presentation will include the information from your written paper Below in 10-12 slides (including a title and reference slide in APA format). Make sure to include speaker notes at the bottom of your slide to explain the content of your slide.
Patients fall in a hospital facility is one of the metrics used for measuring the quality of nursing practice or health service. Patients’ fall leads to other complication that can land the healthcare facility into trouble and ultimately unplanned expenses. According to the healthcare laws, any injury that occurs to the patient during their stay in a healthcare facility as a result of carelessness of the healthcare facility or a healthcare officer resulting in an incurring expense then that particular healthcare facility will incur that particular expense.
I chose the patient falls for the clinical problem because of the increase in the rate of falls among the patients admitted to hospitals. The issue has resulted in further complication to patients which prolong their stay in hospital (Straus et al., 2018). Some of the causes of falls are linked to the faulty equipment in the hospital, and the most affected population are individuals aged sixty years and up who are not able to act with speed in case of the fall happening.
The PICOT questions can be used to find the pieces of evidence for the research. Here we can use it to find pieces of evidence for patients fall of a particular age, e.g. sixty in the health facility. After finding the pieces of evidence, we can then use the results to correct the issue not in only a particular health facility but also in other healthcare facilities. We can come up with PICOT questions that will lead to understanding the issue in-depth (Elias et al., 2015). The following is the PICOT question for this problem.
PICOT Question
In patients of 60 years and over who are victim’s healthcare falls, how do their fall incidences compared to those who do not get fall incidences influence their treatment and their overall health for the remaining time of their lives?
Patients who are victims of falls are likely to face the psychological effects of the incidences as they complicate their entire treatment, which reduces their chances of recovering from their illness. Most patients die as a result of complications arising from the fall incidence, which happens within the shortest time (Straus et al., 2018).
Integration of evidences
The pieces of evidence of these falls can be integrated into healthcare facilities to enhance the equipment and care of the patients who are advanced in terms of age. First, many causes of falls are linked to the faulty equipment used in the hospital facility (Stephenson et al.,2016). Consequently, healthcare organizations should ensure that their pieces of equipment are always in good condition. Also, the equipment should be regularly assessed to find outfalls and correct in advance.
The second reason for fall happens as healthcare negligence. This cause is linked to the nurses who do not take their work seriously or who are overworked in healthcare settings. For this reason, healthcare should monitor their nurses to ensure that they are always keen and ready to prevent the fall incidences that are likely to happen to patients as are the result of health conditions making their body system vulnerable to fall (Stephenson et al.,2016).
The healthcare should always keep records of rates of falls in the hospital to find out the changes that might have been impacted by the incorporation of the methods discussed. Each method should be evaluated for a given period and assed to find out if there are changes and to identify areas of improvement that might be required.
Falls in the healthcare system as fatal, especially when the patients involved are suffering from a serious health condition or if they are of advanced ages. The formulation of the PICOT question helped for finding the real issue and suggesting the needed correction in advance. The question leads to discovering that fall cases are caused by faulty health equipment and healthcare personnel negligence.
Elias, B. L., Polancich, S., Jones, C., & Convoy, S. (2015). Evolving the PICOT method for the digital age: The PICOT-D. Journal of Nursing Education54(10), 594-599.
Straus, S. E., Glasziou, P., Richardson, W. S., & Haynes, R. B. (2018). Evidence-Based Medicine E-Book: How to Practice and Teach EBM. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Stephenson, M., Mcarthur, A., Giles, K., Lockwood, C., Aromataris, E., & Pearson, A. (2016). Prevention of falls in acute hospital settings: a multi-site audit and best practice implementation project. International Journal for Quality in Health Care28(1), 92-98.