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Computer Science homework help.

Read Procedure for Performing systematic reviews – Kitchenbaum (2004), provided in Attachments. ( Attaching sample literature review *BigDataAnalytics)
– Note: Kitchenbaum (2004) is not a literature review, it’s a framework for conducting them.
Write a short (2 page min, 3 page max) paper that is a first attempt at your own dissertation Chapter Two.
•Write a paragraph that describes your research area.
Cite one source I can check that confirms the problem exists.
•State your draft research question, so you can
•Find 3-5 articles that have conducted original research
•Analyze those 3-5 articles and try to identify a literature gap
The primary point of this paper is to identify a gap in the literature.
Note from me  * please discuss with me to choose a research area to write..
*APA format and Plagiarism free writing needed*
  • attachment

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Computer Science homework help