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Information Systems homework help. Assignment 1
Contingency Planning in Action
Create a hypothetical organization with details including geographic location(s), number of employees in each location, primary business functions, operational and technology details, potential threats to the business and its technology, and anything else that you believe is relevant to the business.
Assume this organization is lacking in its contingency planning efforts and requires assistance in ensuring these efforts are appropriately addressed to increase its overall security and preparedness posture.
Write a ten page paper in which you:

  1. Provide an overview of the organization and indicate why contingency planning efforts are needed and how these efforts could benefit the business.
  2. Develop a full contingency plan for the organization. Include all subordinate functions / sub plans, including BIA, IRP, DRP, and BCP efforts.
  3. Determine the policies and procedures that would be needed for all contingency planning efforts. Detail the role of the policy / procedure, and explain how each would help achieve the goals of these efforts.
  4. Detail the processes to utilize in order to fully implement the contingency plan and its components, and explain the efforts to consider in maintaining the plans.
  5. Create a hypothetical incident scenario where the contingency planning efforts would need to be utilized and detail: (a) How the plan is sufficiently equipped to handle the incident. (b) a timeline for the incident response and recovery efforts.
  6. Identify any ethical concerns that are specific to this organization and its incident response personnel (especially the CP Team Leader), and explain how to plan for these concerns.
  7. Use at least five (5) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain risk management in the context of information security.
  • Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization.
  • Summarize the various types of disasters, response and recovery methods.
  • Compare and contrast the methods of disaster recovery and business continuity.
  • Explain and develop a business continuity plan to address unforeseen incidents.•Describe crisis management guidelines and procedures.
  • Describe detection and decision-making capabilities in incident response.
  • Develop techniques for different disaster scenarios.
  • Evaluate the ethical concerns inherent in disaster recovery scenarios.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in disaster recovery.
  • Write clearly and concisely about disaster recovery topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Assignment 3a: Presentation on Threats to the Global Environment
Congratulations! The members of the United Nations found great value in the two analyses you provided. They are now asking you to develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the four most critical threats to the global environment. They are listed in the table below.
Energy sources
Civil war
Poor health of entire populations
Lack of educational opportunities
Cultural taboos
Inappropriate uses of technology
Climate change
To complete this task, you must do the following:
Step I. Narrow the List from Eight to the Four Most Critical Threats
To complete this step, complete the following tasks in order:

  • Review research on each of the eight threats listed in the table.
  • Determine what you believe to be the current and potential future impacts of each threat on the global environment.
  • Choose the four threats that you see as the most critical by considering which pose the greatest or most immediate risk to us.

Step II. Create the PowerPoint Presentation
The completed version of this presentation will include a minimum of 19 slides. Your audience consists of the United Nations General Assembly.
PPT Content and Structure
1.  A Title Slide: Include your name, course title, current date, and the name of your instructor.
2.  An Introduction Slide: List the four threats you chose, and in the Notes section offer a brief narrative justifying these choices
3.  Body Slides: The slide content is listed in the outline below. For each body slide you develop, please include a paragraph in the Notes section explaining how the details you have provided in the slide are pertinent to the United Nations’ discussion on selecting and prioritizing goals.
I.  For your first threat (this is the threat you consider to be the greatest risk/highest priority)
a.  One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat
b.  One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)
c.  One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole
d.  One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides a–c
II.  For your second threat (this is the threat you consider to be the second greatest risk/second highest priority)

  1. One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat
  2. One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)
  3. One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole
  4. One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides a–c

III.  For your third threat (this is the threat you consider to be the third greatest threat/highest priority)
a.  One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat
b.  One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)
c.  One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole
d.  One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides a–c
IV.  For your fourth threat (this is the threat you consider to be the fourth greatest threat/highest priority)
a.  One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat
b.  One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)
c.  One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole
d.  One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides a–c
4.  A Conclusion Slide: Summarize your findings for the Assembly.
5.  Optional – Reference Slide: You can include full-text citations in the Notes section of each slide or provide a reference slide at the end of the presentation with the full citations of your sources.
Note: Please discuss the threats in order of priority as described above, so the threat you consider the greatest should be discussed first in the presentation and so on.
Note: Please use at least five credible sources to back up your discussion
Note: The body slides should summarize your key takeaways, whereas the Notes section of each body slide should discuss the evidence and the details that support your takeaways. The content in both the Notes and body sections requires citations and sources.
Formatting Guidelines
Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument
The information you provided in your PowerPoint presentation on Threats to the Global Environment has led to productive debates at the United Nations General Assembly! Hence, they are now asking you to create an additional analysis report to respond to the issues raised in these debates.
Your fourth project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop a report that addresses the issues raised by some of the member states of the United Nations.
Step I. Consider the Issues
In Assignment 3a, you were asked to create a PowerPoint identifying the four most critical threats out of eight threats provided in the table below.
Energy sources
Civil war
Poor health of entire populations
Lack of educational opportunities
Cultural taboos
Inappropriate uses of technology
Climate change
There are four remaining threats that you did not discuss in your PowerPoint. This assignment will focus on those four. Here are the specific tasks you will complete:

  • Review the remaining four threats that you did not use in Assignment 3a.
  • Pick two of the four to focus on in Assignment 3b.
  • Identify the reasons why you think these two threats are less critical than the four threats you chose for your PowerPoint presentation.

Step II. Prepare Your Report
The UN has given you the following guidelines.
Briefly introduce the topic of the analysis (about 100-150 words).

  1. State the topic and intent of the paper.
  2. Identify the four threats you will discuss in the paper in the order in which they appear in the paper.

Section I. Threat 1

  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons that explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in Assignment 3a.
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.

Section II. Threat 2

  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons to explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in Assignment 3a.
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.


  • Offer a summary (one page or less) of your defense of your choices that the United Nations can use to address their prioritization concerns.

Formatting Requirements

  • Your paper may consist of up to four pages (not including the cover or reference pages).
  • Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:
    • Introduction
    • Threat 1 (include the name of your chosen threat)
    • Threat 2 (include the name of your chosen threat)
    • Conclusion

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

  • Examine the factors that account for why the growth in the world’s population can negatively affect the global society.

Information Systems homework help